Ithaca is a small city isolated in Central New York’s Finger Lakes region. Ithaca is the home to Cornell University and Ithaca College. Cornell is the Land Grant college in New York. As such, agriculture is a major focus of instruction at Cornell. Additionally, Cornell, Ithaca College and Ithaca in general are proud of their efforts to promote ecologically friendly agendas. For example, Cornell recently pledged to drastically reduce their “carbon footprint” over the coming decades. Ithaca College as a matter of policy strongly promotes sustainability. Ithaca, once named “the most enlightened city in America” by the Utne Reader magazine, is populated largely by “green” people who behave largely according to how the environment will be affected. One example is a community nearby that lives “off the grid.” Country Home magazine recently named Ithaca the second greenest city in America.
Ganja is a green plant that grows wild and weed-like in many parts of the world. It has been known since prehistory and probably originated in Central Asia. Like all green plants ganja uses photosynthesis to take carbon dioxide from the air and water from its roots to produce energy to live and in the process give off oxygen. Carbon dioxide is the major “greenhouse gas.” Though CO2 occurs naturally in the atmosphere too much of it is being added by human activities contributing to global warming.
The ecologically-minded people of Ithaca know that more photosynthesis by green plants means more oxygen in the atmosphere and more carbon dioxide taken out of the atmosphere. Thus, the people of Ithaca respect ganja for doing its part to help the world sustain…mon.