Nibble on this: Take this to its logical conclusion – every dollar spent by the federal government for every one of its functions goes to private sector contractors that provide the actual service. The cabinet, the National Security Council, the Office of Management and Budget, and all of the rest would be paid consultants rather than government employees answering to the president. Air traffic control, Homeland Security, Medicare, et cetera would be provided by contractors working under agreements crafted by attorneys at law firms under retainer by the president. If one, or all, of them cut corners or provides poor service the president would have to sue them. The American people would have to wait for and depend on the courts for any remedy. And if the private companies refuse to acquiesce to judgments against them no one could do anything about it.
If that isn’t scary enough consider privatization of the armed forces. Mercenary armies from
The neoconservative ideal of privatizing all government functions is parasitic, short-sighted, and anti-American. It would amount to killing the goose that laid the golden eggs. That goose being the American economy, American society, and the American people.
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